
Contact us

Individuals or professionals, we answer all your questions.

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    ¹ So that we can contact you as soon as possible
    ² To direct you to the EVERLAND contact in your region

    Find below the questions most frequently asked by our visitors.

    To find our EVERLAND premium petfood and WOLPY by Everland croquettes in a shop near you, go to our interactive map in the menu : Where to buy our products ? 

    To find out the price of our petfood, you can contact your nearest shop directly. Find the contact details of this shop in our interactive map in the menu : Where to buy our products ? 

    Two possible answers :   

    1. It is possible that a shop sells EVERLAND and WOLPY croquettes near you, but that it is not yet referenced on our website. In this case do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form or call us via the customer service Green Number and we will give you directly the details of the shop.
    2. There is no shop near you that sells our petfood at the moment, in this case do not hesitate to contact us and we will try to find a delivery solution together.

    If you are a shop owner and you wish to reference our brand, consult our page : Become a retailer